Wednesday, April 18, 2012

041912 Camp Cupcake has a sauna and Billy checked out.

041912 Camp Cupcake has a sauna and Billy checked out.
The day after the attacks on Sunday things were pretty much back to normal.  Working every day means a very regimented life.  I work 8 PM to 8 AM and the hardest thing for me is to go to bed with the sun shining brightly outside.  After work I try to have a cup of chocolate and then check email surf the web or watch a 'Bernie-movie' before bed.  I'm up at 6 or 7 PM and in the office between 7 and 8 PM.  Fortunately going to the gym is encouraged here and if you go during work hours (which I do) I'm then allowed to make up the time either before or after shift. 
My gym time is 5-6 AM and I do cardio and weights.  I recently discovered the sauna and have been taking advantage of that too.  No gym in either Iraq or AF even has a sauna except here at HQ ISAF (aka Camp Cupcake.)  The sauna is a good one too as it's hot in there!  I can handle about 15 minutes max and then I gota  get out (see pic.) 
On a completely different note a co-worker here off'd himself today.  He was found in his hooch, dead.  He was in his early 40's, had a wife and kids.  As is standard practice, all communications out of the office were immediately shut off until his next of kin could be notified.  I wasn't there but I'm told that the ceremony to put the body on the plane for the trip to Dover was dignified and solumn.  You wouldn't think that the Army would do that for just some civilian guy.  But they do and it's kinda nice and respectful, on several different levels.  Billy checked out but life goes on.



  1. "bernie movie" ? What is a "bernie movie" ? :)

  2. I could be wrong, Weekend at Bernie's.
