Wednesday, September 19, 2012

18 September 12 Children's Memorial Ceremony

18 September 12 Children's Memorial Ceremony, Perhaps one suicide bombing a week is the new norm?

Things are tense in Afghanistan.  There have been 51 'Green on Blue' or Insider attacks since the beginning of the year.  You need a guardian angel (aka buddy with a weapon) to go anywhere off base and if on base (and if authorized to do so) you must carry a weapon everywhere (DFAC, gym, work space, etc) with the clip IN the weapon. 
About a week ago a suicide bomber (14 yo kid) tried to get on base (he didn't stand a chance).  He was turned away and for whatever reason walked across the street where he blew himself up along with 1/2 dozen or so of the Afghan street urchins that hang outside the gate here.  I knew a few of them and the little girl sold knotted bracelets and I would tell her that I would buy one 'next time'. 
Today a short ceremony was held for them.  It was hosted by Generall Waddel and well attended.  Such is life in Afghanistan.  Perhaps one suicide bombing a week is the new norm?
