Tuesday, July 31, 2012

073112 Chuck has left Afghanistan, Aghananistan kid economy collapses, Never say "never"

073112  Chuck has left Afghanistan, Aghananistan kid economy collapses, Never say "never"
A few weeks back a coworker left Afghanistan.  He's been over here many times and has quite a bit of experience and over the years the kids outside the gate got to know him very well.   The average Yearly wages for the 'average' Afghan is only about $600!   So a kid hanging outside the gate who might pull in $10/day from passersby between the two bases is a significant breadwinner.  And Chuck had his routine and a 'working agreement' with the street urchins of Kabul.  The agreement was simply that he'd be allowed to walk TO Camp Eggers without being harrassed for money or to buy stuff.  And on the way BACK, just before entering HQ ISAF, he'd line the kids up and give them a few bucks or $5 each.  Honestly I think Chuck got out it as much as the kids did.  But anyway on the last trip, (see pics) he lined them all up, and told them through his 'interpreter' (most of the kids here speak excellent English but a few didn't) that this was his last trip and that he was leaving for the US soon and would not be coming back.  At that he proceeded to give about 25 kids, $20 each. 
Also in one of the pics you can see the 'castle wall' from the outside.   It's just an interesting pic.
And also, I think this is the 3rd or 4th time Chuck said he was "never coming back".  Never say never....



Monday, July 30, 2012

073012 Fridays mean a nice meal.

073012 Fridays mean a nice meal.
It's tough to 'blog' at times.  Sometimes just nothing really happens that stands out and it's just another day.  Fridays sometimes do stand out since it's possible to have a nice meal on those days.  In order to get though you have to leave this base and walk about 10 minutes to another base.  Both bases (HQ ISAF and Camp Eggers) are in the Kabul 'green zone' so it's considered...safer than being outside the 'green zone'.  The green zone is an area that has extra patrols and identification stops.  The last big Taliban attack occurred in the green zone so it's good to be one's guard 'outside the castle walls.'  Anyway, steak and chicken is grilled, (as you can see) and there's an outdoor seating area and overall it can be quite a pleasant experience. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

070312 4th of July, baseball and blue sky

070312 4th of July, baseball and blue sky
I've been asked a few times what my plans are for the 4th of July while in Kabul.  I'll be doing the same thing that I do every day while over here...working.  Some contracts allow for a 6 day work week.  The one that I work on doesn't.  And heck what would you do on a day off?  Anyway, tomorrow is the 4th of July and I'll try to take some pics and post.  With any luck it'll be my last 4th of July overseas.  Above are some pics of the baseball/soccer field which also is used by the locals for the bazaar on Fridays.  It's a perfect 93F today.  You can see some of the hills nearby and the wall of the 'inner-sanctum.'  There are various walls on base that serve defense and security purposes.  I live inside the outer wall but work inside the most inner wall.  Think medieval castle and you get the idea.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

070112 The Baazar (more pics.)

(More pics.)

070112 The Baazar, Me: How much is that ? Merchant: (leans back) How much you got???

070112 The Baazar, Me: How much is that <item>? Merchant: (leans back) How much you got???
The Afghan baazar is a lesson in culture, theatrics and inter-personal strategy.  Above are some pics of 'stuff' that you can find at the Afghan baazar that is held on the soccer field (which doubles as a helo lauch area) on Fridays.  As you can see there is an assortment of items for sale and unlike in Iraq, much of the stuff sold here in Afghanistan was actually made in Afghanistan.  Having said that, beware that these merchants are prime at their game and I'll be the first to admit, I'm still not on at thier level of gamesmanship. 
First of all, asking how much something costs is a big mistake.  I did this THREE times and in every case the reply was "how much you got?"  And YES, they will take all the money (dollars, euros, dirhams, etc) that you give them. It's foolish to go there without doing a thorough cost analysis of any item that I might want to purchase.  And theatrics!? How many times have I heard how the guy's brother had to dodge bullets to transport the blue rocks!?  Typically I have discovered that an item is marked up 5-6 times what I should really pay.  So anything over that is gravey for these guys.  And the kid wanting to sell me the rock picture of the camel started at $60. I offered $10, he then offered $30.  I wanted to keep playing so I offered back $15.  He offered $20 and I then said $10.  He kept going on how it was made of lapis (every damn blue rock here is lapis) and I started to walk away.  He then came down to $10 but I said maybe next time and kept walking. 