Tuesday, April 30, 2013

042913 A plane took off from Bagram AB yesterday...

Yesterday a plane took off from Bagram AB yesterday.  It was a 747 transport carrying stuff.  It didn't make it...  Thant's about all I can say.

Monday, April 8, 2013

040813 Spring in Kabul and the Beginning of the End

It's finally warm during the day in Kabul but it's still coat-required at night.  the pics above show Destille Garden being set up for the women's bazaar last Saturday.  I'm working nights (8 PM to 8 AM, or there abouts) so I had to stay 'up' until 10 AM to get this shot.  The regular bazaars are on Fridays and are dominated by Afghan male vendors.  In so many parts of Afghan culture, male and female are segragated.  They (the military command here) sees it as good relations to help the women here too in their Public Relations efforts.  So this bazaar only allows women vendors.  But don't think the prices are any cheaper. These people are HAWKS when it comes to selling ice to an Eskimo!
The other two pics are me and a few coworkers.  The Government here recently reduced our hours and then required a 10% cut of personnel.  I made that cut (who-ho!) but there are rumors of another and bigger cut coming and I may not make that cut.  The point is, that it's the beginning of the end here.  Things are changing and ramping down.  Within 30-60 days we'll move to another base as part of the drawdown as well.  Some outlying bases have already gone to MREs for meals (MRE = Meal Ready to Eat.)  It's a meal in a box that was made years ago and will last for years.  This gravy train was not going to last forever and I'm cool with that.


PS. Dan, please send me another email.  The last few disappear when I opened them.