Tuesday, July 31, 2012

073112 Chuck has left Afghanistan, Aghananistan kid economy collapses, Never say "never"

073112  Chuck has left Afghanistan, Aghananistan kid economy collapses, Never say "never"
A few weeks back a coworker left Afghanistan.  He's been over here many times and has quite a bit of experience and over the years the kids outside the gate got to know him very well.   The average Yearly wages for the 'average' Afghan is only about $600!   So a kid hanging outside the gate who might pull in $10/day from passersby between the two bases is a significant breadwinner.  And Chuck had his routine and a 'working agreement' with the street urchins of Kabul.  The agreement was simply that he'd be allowed to walk TO Camp Eggers without being harrassed for money or to buy stuff.  And on the way BACK, just before entering HQ ISAF, he'd line the kids up and give them a few bucks or $5 each.  Honestly I think Chuck got out it as much as the kids did.  But anyway on the last trip, (see pics) he lined them all up, and told them through his 'interpreter' (most of the kids here speak excellent English but a few didn't) that this was his last trip and that he was leaving for the US soon and would not be coming back.  At that he proceeded to give about 25 kids, $20 each. 
Also in one of the pics you can see the 'castle wall' from the outside.   It's just an interesting pic.
And also, I think this is the 3rd or 4th time Chuck said he was "never coming back".  Never say never....



1 comment:

  1. Nice post Chris. Good photos. Especially the one of Chuck with all the kids standing around him in the street with big smiles on their little faces. Good one.
