Wednesday, January 25, 2012

012612 Yes, it does snow in Kabul

012612 Yes, it does snow in Kabul
It has snowed three times here in Kabul in the last month.  Generally the weather is clear, cold and dry (very similiar to Colorado Springs.)  The snow will last for several days and it sure makes the dreary brown base look clean and inviting.  One thing the snow (and rain) does is clean the air and in the winter it certainly makes a noticeable difference (see earlier post on Kabul air quality.)  Here are some recent pics and the one pic with flags shows all the NATO and other nations that have representatives/forces either here or in Afghanistan.  While Iraq really was a primary US led mission, Afghanistan is slightly different (as it is a NATO coalition mission.)  But any way you cut it, the US is still the primary force in Afghanistan. 

1 comment:

  1. Chris, you look like a natural in the snow; skis in one hand, poles in the other.
